We've moved to a new home! Substack served us really well when starting out, but we now want to be able to design our site as we wish, and spend more of the funds we get from readers on actual journalism.
Signing in
At the top of our new site there's a banner, where you should be able to see the words "sign in" (see below).

If you click this, and enter your e-mail address, the system will recognise you. IMPORTANT: You need to use the same e-mail address you were already registered with (the e-mail address that we currently send our e-mails to). Otherwise it won't recognise you. You can change this later if you wish.
If you can't see the words Sign In... that means you're already signed in! You should instead be able to see the word "Account" – which you can click on to see your details, including the e-mail address you're logged in with. You can then change any of those details.
If you never were signed up with us, you can instead press the big red subscribe button, next to "Sign In", and start to receive regular e-mails.
Having problems? E-mail info@millmediaco.uk – we'll be able to sort you out.
The comments section is always lively and one of the great things about being a Tribune member is that you get to take part.
Once you're signed in, if you're a paying member this will be automatically recognised and you can start commenting. Either write in the box directly to make a new comment, or to reply to someone else just hit the little "Reply" button under their comment.
You can also add a picture by creating an account using the same e-mail on Gravatar – it only takes a minute and lets us put a face to a name! Click here and then press the "Get Started Now" button.

The Tribune comments section is so lovely, we've never had to ban anyone... so don't be the first! Passionate disagreement: yes. Insults: no.
That's all there is to it, but again, if you're having problems please contact info@millmediaco.uk