Dear readers — exciting news. Today, in the next step for quality journalism in Sheffield, we are launching Partner with the Tribune, our platform for working with local businesses and organisations.
We recently hosted a discussion at our Union Street co-working space, where I spoke about why I started The Tribune. In my presentation, I included a quote that's stayed with me since I first read it, from American journalist Margaret Sullivan. In her book, Ghosting the News: Local Journalism and the Crisis of American Democracy, she writes:
“A newspaper’s purpose isn’t only to keep public officials accountable; it is also to be the village square for an entire metropolitan area, to help provide a common reality and touchstone, a sense of community and place.”

Here’s the big idea: cities do better when their citizens, civic organisations and companies are part of that common “village square”. It’s a metaphor that feels particularly apt in Sheffield, a place that’s often described as the UK’s biggest village. Despite being home to over half a million people, there’s still that sense of everyone in Sheffield only being one or two steps away from everyone else.
But as the quality of local news has declined in recent decades, the village square is looking increasingly tatty. In a recent conversation, one of Sheffield’s senior business leaders expressed to us his frustration that the city lacks the forum to have a serious debate about its future. Simplistic articles that veer between “everything is great” and “everything is awful” don’t capture the complexity of living in a place with plenty of both.
We believe The Tribune is already beginning to take on this role. Read by over 18,000 local people, and supported by more than 1,700 paying members (including most of the leading figures in local government and business), we make sure to leave the time and space to really get into the issues. Instead of constant distraction, we provide well-researched and nuanced journalism to help you understand what’s really happening where you live. Our members’ comments section allows further discussion and debate.

As we try to grow and diversify our revenues in the coming year, so that we can hire more journalists, organise more events and take a bigger part in the civic life of the city, we’re inviting your organisation to partner with The Tribune. Working with us is that rare thing: a genuine win-win — it’s good for Sheffield, and good for your company or charity. Here are two key ways you can get involved:
Take out a corporate subscription. We can offer, at a discount, multiple subscriptions for employees in your organisation. Not only is this a great perk, you’ll be helping your colleagues feel more connected to their city. As members, they’ll be able to attend upcoming Tribune events, and receive four articles a week of quality local content. And you’ll be giving them the insight they need to win business and do business in this city.
(Also — if you have employees in Manchester, Liverpool, or Birmingham, you could arrange for them to receive one of our sister titles covering their area.)
- Sponsor a Monday briefing. Every week, an organisation sponsors our Monday briefing. It’s a chance to get yourself in front of Sheffield’s most discerning readership, now 18,000 readers strong. We are a safe and prestigious space for your brand, and will work with you to connect with our readership base. And at the same time, you can help ensure a future for quality journalism in Sheffield.
We’re really excited to take this next step in The Tribune’s journey. Please spread the word far and wide, and if you’d like to take the conversation further, please contact Daniel Timms on:

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