Welcome to The Tribune, a new source of news in Sheffield that will publish thoughtful, nuanced reporting of this city’s politics, culture, history and people.
It’s a brand new venture that aims to create a different kind of local journalism — one that gives you the context you need to understand what is really going on, and strives for quality rather than cheap clicks.
The Tribune’s stories will go out as email newsletters, so sign up to our mailing list by entering your email address below. We will never share your email with anyone.
We will publish long-form stories, useful news briefings and everything in between. For now, we are very much in “soft-launch” phase, but please do sign up and tell your friends about The Tribune. You will start getting our emails in your inbox within days.
A new dawn in Sheffield...🌅
— The Tribune (@sheffieldtrib) 11:37 PM ∙ Mar 27, 2021
Join our mailing list to get thoughtful, in-depth local journalism in your inbox every week.
Get in touch
The Tribune is being founded by experienced journalists in Sheffield who believe in a new vision for local news. We will be supported by the team behind The Mill in Manchester, which started last year and has already become a respected and much-loved news source. It publishes journalists who have worked for news organisations like The Times, The Guardian, Daily Telegraph and The New York Times.
We will never cover our stories with annoying ads, and will instead be funded by our most loyal readers. We will soon open up a paid membership scheme so that Tribune readers who want to get more of our journalism in their inboxes and support our work can do so.
You will learn more about our team and our plans very soon. In the meantime, we are on the lookout for talented journalists in Sheffield to write for The Tribune. If that’s you, please email editor@sheffieldtribune.co.uk with a few links to your best work and your ideas about stories you would like to cover.
Join our email list now to get our very first newsletters in your inbox.

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